Why Mission?
You may have wondered (as others have) why we chose to give the circuit the description of Borders Mission Circuit. Firstly the word, Borders, was to reflect the fact that the Circuit sits in both the counties of Derbyshire and Nottinghamshire and it is the Methodist Circuit that straddles the border of these counties. We often reduce the title to BMC in much of our correspondence.However the word `mission` is an interesting one; according to the Cambridge dictionary mission is "any work that someone believes it is their duty to do". In many ways this sums up our purpose. Jesus commanded us to go and make disciples of all the nations.................... (Matthew 28). As Christians this is our mission, our purpose, our duty and so we wanted to reflect this in the life of the Circuit.
Now, we believe that mission comes in many forms and so in these pages you will see various expressions of mission ranging from evangelism to youth, to womens work and so on. As time develops so will these pages in order to reflect that we are a circuit which constantly looks for a rich and varied means to carry out the mission we are called to and by which we are known.