Fresh Expressions

Fresh Expressions of church are sprouting up all over the country. People are exploring new ways of being church in many different ways. As with all ideas it is good to share. We can learn from each other's experience.

If your church has started a Fresh expression of church then we invite you to share your experience. Email us and we shall include it on the web site.

"A new initiative for changing times."

"Our world is changing. At least 60% of the UK population is now beyond the reach of the churches. This proportion grows each year. The Church of England and the Methodist Church want to establish many different fresh expressions of church life in the next decade to carry the gospel to every part of our society."

"Fresh Expressions is a national initiative of the Archbishops of Canterbury and York supported by the Methodist Council. Our aim is to resource and encourage this major movement of mission and change across the churches." - Extract from the Methodist Church web site.